Thursday, May 17, 2012

RIM unveils BlackBerry 10 smartphone prototype

Research In Motion's new chief executive Thorsten Heins, has unveiled a prototype BlackBerry 10 smartphone at the company's BlackBerry World conference in Orlando, Florida. The launch date is still not declared.

"Developers building for BlackBerry 10 will be able to easily create the kind of cutting-edge apps that deliver truly engaging experiences," said Alec Saunders, RIM's head of developer relations.

The company provide every developer who attends BlackBerry 10 Jam a BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha device. This is a prototype device created for the purpose of testing BlackBerry 10 applications during development. The BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha is not a BlackBerry 10 smartphone for end users nor does it run the final BlackBerry 10 software – it’s been created just for our developer partners to help them prepare for the launch of BlackBerry 10.

The BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha has a 4.2″ screen with a resolution of 1280×768. It has Micro USB for debugging and charging. It has a Micro HDMI port for displaying video on a television or monitor with a HDMI port. It has Bluetooth and WiFi radios and is cellular ready (micro SIM). For more Information regarding the BlackBerry World visit the below links :


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