- Memory Restart
- Memory Fox
- Check Add-Ons
Memory Restart :
Memory Restart is small add-on in the Firefox that will let you to set maximum memory limit, and not only that it allows to choose to set a warning point or restart the Firefox browser automatically. Actually Memory Restart Add-on is a simple and easy solution, and it help to a keep down the usage of memory which creeps up over the day.
Memory Fox :
Memory Fox is an another add-on which will help to monitor Firefox memory usage. This add-on for Firefox which seems to work in the short term, and it is found that it will creep back up again over the time. Just Like Memory Restart, it is not a perfect one, but it is helpful for a time period.
Check your Add-Ons :
This is the most important thing where the users need to take extra care. Mozilla Firefox has got a huge list of add-ons in their websites and they are the biggest memory eaters . Here disabling the add-ons that is not useful is one of the best ways to keep the Firefox memory usage down. Not only that so many people has written in the Mozilla forum that by disabling add-ons, the memory usage can be easily reduced and also make the websites to load faster.
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