Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Major Trends in Mobile World of 2012

2012 is looking to be a promising year for the advancement of mobile phones and mobile technologies. A number of early signs show that the year is likely to be a good one for smartphones, due to a few hardware and software improvements that look extremely impressive.

Firstly, the introduction of quad-core processors is due to take real hold in 2012, and become the norm for new phones by the end of the year. As the functions of smartphones have increased dramatically since their emergence onto the mobile phone market a few years ago, the requirement for extra processing speed has increased, too. Multiple applications running, video capabilities and conference calling have required processors to be faster than ever, and so the emergence of super-fast processing speeds has been inevitability.

The speeds of the processors have increased up to 1.8GHz in the last six months, with dual-core processors becoming standard in good-quality phones in 2011, and one of the most exciting advancements was the inevitable move to quad-core, which would enhance the multitasking capabilities of the phone. As such, LG, ZTE, HTC and Hauwei have all announced quad-core processor phones in 2012. The speed is noticeable, with the phone moving seamlessly between each function and responding at super-fast speeds. With so many manufacturers moving so quickly up the processing speed ladder, the question by the end of the year is expected to be; what next?

On the software side of things, the very obvious advancement of this year is the introduction of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, which is likely to push the Android operating system up to the next level. The introduction of ICS has been much anticipated and talked about, with many mobile phone manufacturers announcing updates and releasing ICS phones in 2012 so far. It is highly likely to be the standard platform by the end of the year.

ICS has received positive reviews and eager anticipation for a number of reasons. Firstly, due to the advancement of photo taking on phones recently, extra camera functions are available, including panorama arrangement and photo editing. Social networking is also made easier and synced within the phone. On top of this, features such as facial recognition in unlocking the phone add that something extra that sets ICS apart from its predecessors and competition. It also possesses Near Field Communications technology, a function that is creating a stir in itself and set to become a big feature this year. It enables phones to share information without wires through the press of a button and could be able to be used for payments at checkouts. All in all, ICS is much needed as Android Gingerbread begins to age and become outdated; it also possesses the functions that will enable it to take the fight straight to Apple with its usability.

4G networks
Finally, the next function that we expect to be a big feature in 2012 is the development of 4G networks and networking capabilities on phones. It was announced via Ofcom on March 13, so it is likely that the UK will get 4G coverage by the end of the year, and other countries have been pushing to introduce the service in a similar fashion. O2 has been trialling the system in London, and it has been trialled in the US for a number of months.

The system will create faster download and browsing speeds for mobile phones with 4G capabilities, which supporters are hailing as revolutionary for the way that mobile phone users operate the Internet on their phones. With this advancement in the technology available, mobile phone manufacturers will be rushing to create 4G capable handsets, which will be able to make full use of the new coverage. 

The likelihood is that the wider public will be able to enjoy 4G at the later end of the year. However, once it does emerge onto the market, it is likely to take it by storm.


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