Program Schedule
There are three categories of research papers, namely, Full Papers, Short papers and Reflection papers. All submissions to the conference will be peer reviewed and decisions on acceptance, modifications/suggestions will be communicated to the principal author (or author named for correspondence).
This website will be updated periodically. For details of the program please visit this site often.
- Please register early. The registration starts on January 1, 2012.
- Registration deadline: June 17, 2012. For details of registration fees applicable to you click here.
- Foreign participants may kindly fill out requested personal information at and send us a soft copy of the same via email at for issue of letters for Visa purposes.
Student Grant
Students, who are authors of accepted papers and are in need of grants from T4E 2012 to partially offset travel costs/registration fees, need to apply for grants by filling in the form Application form for Student Grants and enclosing a short resume not exceeding 2 pages.
The contents must be sent by email to with subject - "Application form for Student Grants" on, or before June 5, 2012. Applications received later will not be considered.
Areas of Focus
The Conference is expected to have several sessions, jointly or in parallel, on the following themes:• Development of technologies used to support education
• Innovative use of ICT for content development and classroom use
• Pedagogies for remote learning and e-learning, blended learning and learning using technology
• Assessment and evaluation of above technologies, content and pedagogies
• Support systems for distance education, e-learning, blended learning
• Mobile learning
• Cognition and learning technologies
• Growth and impact of the Open Educational Resources movement
• Techniques and standards for accurate identification of relevant learning resources
• Content repositories for teaching and learning
• Different methodologies for creation of social networks for group learning
• Development of software to enhance learning
• Semantic web technologies in education
• Adaptive, cognitive and personalized approaches for improvement of education
• Smart technologies in education
• Impact of social networks on learning
• Virtual/online experimentation and scalable solutions
Paper Formats
Participants are invited to submit papers in the following formats:Full papers:
6-8 pages. Full papers will contain detailed descriptions of research, development, evaluation or other applications related to the conference themes. Work reported in Full papers must be original.
Short papers:
3-4 pages. Short papers will contain brief reports of technologies developed, techniques used or results of research, related to conference themes. Work reported in Short papers must be original.
Reflection papers:
2 pages. Reflection papers might review recent research literature pertaining to a particular problem or approach, indicate what the findings suggest, and/or provide a suggestion - with rationale and justification - for a different approach or perspective on that problem. Reflection papers might also analyze general trends or discuss important issues pertaining to learning and instruction in the digital age.
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